There is a lot of information going around about MQA and a lot of different opinions. if you want my one-line opinion it is this: MQA is not lossless and increases the cost of an already expensive hobby, it has […]

Bit depth

The audio bit depth determines the number of possible amplitudes values we can record for each sample. The most common are 16-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit. Each is a binary term, representing the number of possible values. 16-bit: 65,536 values 24-bit: […]


Pulse-code modulation is a method to digitally represent sampled analog signals. It is the standard form of digital audio. The original analog music waveform is described in two parts. The first is its amplitude(size). Represented by the number of bits. […]

Sample rates

First, we have to understand how sampling works. For that, we need the Nyquist rate. This is the theoretical minimum sampling rate at which a signal can be sampled and still be reconstructed without any distortion. Conversely, a system can […]


Direct Stream Digital. Different than the PCM system. DSD uses a single bit but samples it 2.800.000 times a second to generate audio. For example, a 24-bit 96kHz file contains 24 bits and is sampled 96.000 times a second. This […]